You cannot decompile the mod for any reason. You must ask the owner first if you want to include the mod in a ModPackages. This mod cannot be distributed in any other way than through this thread. Only and this Website are allowed to host any of The Owner’s material without consent of The Owner. If TheOwner finds another site is hosting, TheOwner may sue said site. If TheOwner finds another site is hosting, TheOwner may sue said site.This document and download (for TheCountryGamer's PlantsVsZombies Mod)(hereafter referred to as “TheDocumentAndDownload”) is Copyright©(2013) of TheCountryGamer(also known as Country_Gamer, CountryGamer, The_Country_Gamer, “Country”)(hereafter referred to as “The Owner”) and is the intellectual property of The Owner. Added Item: Pea Pod, Snow Pod, Sunlight Added Plants: Pea Shooter, Sunflower, Snow Pea, Repeater Sunlight can be crafted with seeds and leaves Added Items: Seeds for all current plants (4 Seed Items)

Fixed bug: Seeds do not get consumed in survival Fixed Bug When holding seeds, and clicking on Endowed Grass, plants were placed inside the block and died Fixed Bug Game crashed when you threw pods in survival Bug Fix: Plants make A LOT of noise after being spawned Bug Fix: Repeaters only spawn one pea pod Bug Fix: Plants do not always attack hostiles Provides exchange from sunlight to crop seeds. Added the Three-Peater (the last of the Basic Day plants) The seeds become metadata items, to save space New Creative Tab for Plants Vs Zombies items Removed: All plants sound like cows on death Fizxed Bug: Plants do not fall when the block under them is removed

Sunflowers now drop sunlight when it is made

Added more stuff to the BoxOfSeeds (for the 'shroom' plants) Added Flag Item (Dropped from Flag Zombies)

Made Repeaters shoot only 1 pod, but are now TWICE AS FAST as Pea Shooters Added a Special Plant: the Anti-Creeper